Protect Your Most Valuable Landscape Assets

Trees contribute so much to the overall appearance and functionality of a landscaped property. Their beautifully aged character, sometimes achieved over hundreds of years, provides a unique connection to history. Trees also dramatically enhance curb appeal and deliver effective protection from the sun and wind. Studies have shown that attractive, healthy trees can boost your property value by up to 20%. Not surprisingly, trees often represent the largest investment associated with a landscape project. With proper care, however, they can last more than a lifetime. Trust the trained experts from Terry’s Landscape to protect your trees.

Schedule a Check-up for Pests or Disease
Do you have at-risk trees? A routine check-up will ensure they don’t fall prey to pests or disease. Fungus can also kill mature trees if not caught in time. Terry’s Landscape can diagnose and prescribe the proper treatments. A deep root fertilization treatment or foliar fertilizer may be all that is required to restore the beauty and health of your trees.

Seasonal Water Management
Strong tree health requires year-round water management, which is often forgotten during the cooler seasons. When you winterize your irrigation system, make sure you have a smart watering plan for the trees. Water requirements vary greatly, depending on the species, variety, and local climate, so seek input and assistance from a Terry’s Landscape tree expert.

Prune for Tree Health, Beauty, and Safety
Pruning is critical to protect trees, people, and surrounding structures. Large limbs or entire trees can easily break and fall during periods of high winds, heavy rains, or ice storms. As we all know well, Greater Houston experiences these types of extreme weather events regularly. Pruning maintains the vibrant appearance and long-term health of trees. Let the well-trained experts from Terry’s Landscape prune your trees safely and effectively.

Commercial Tree Care
Commercial Tree Care
Commercial Tree Care