Could your landscape become more healthy, more colorful, and more sustainable – all at the same time?

By following a series of basic sustainability principles, you’ll soon be saving important resources while also improving plant health and curb appeal. Terry’s Landscape has compiled some guiding principles, which include planning and designing, conscientious irrigation, and the selection of native plants that can survive dry spells without being overly demanding on water resources.

Working with a knowledgeable designer can yield colorful landscapes with beautiful year-round interest – as well as a future rooted in sustainability!

Proper planning comes first.

A beautifully landscaped property starts with analyzing conditions such as soil type, drainage, and sun exposure. Take the time to consider what kind of native plants will thrive and provide color and functionality within the design. Soil improvements may be necessary to create the right nutrient balance.

Introducing native plants to your property.

To start creating a harmonious blend of functionality and beauty, delve into the world of native plant species indigenous to your area to enhance your property’s aesthetics. Selecting native plants ensures they thrive in our hot Texas climate. Partner with your landscaper to analyze your property’s unique microclimates, such as sunlight exposure and soil composition, to curate a selection of plants that will flourish in their ideal growing conditions.

We also suggest that you prioritize choosing plants that are purposeful, whether it be providing food and habitat for local wildlife, improving soil health, or controlling erosion. Additionally, it’s important to know the mature size and growth habits of each plant to ensure they fit harmoniously within your landscape design without beginning to overcrowd or compete for resources.

Carefully designed plantings and irrigation.

Using smart irrigation technology and an irrigation professional can help you design a system that responds to local weather conditions with water based on your specific plant types. This aids in preventing runoff and promotes deep rooting by watering deeply instead of frequently. The irrigation design will include hydrozones, grouping plants with similar water needs together within a landscape. By creating distinct zones based on water requirements, you can efficiently manage irrigation and maintain healthy plants.  Placing plant groupings wisely within hydrozones can also optimize their water absorption and promote proper drainage.

Energy-saving planting strategies. 

Perhaps this may surprise you: thoughtful landscape design can enhance the energy efficiency of buildings and outdoor spaces, especially during the summer months. Strategically planting trees and shrubs closer to your windows can provide shade and reduce the need for air conditioning, which lowers energy costs. Creating windbreaks with hedges or plantings can also minimize heat loss and protect outdoor living areas from harsh winds, extending their usability throughout the year.

Organic mulch and high-quality maintenance.

Proper use of mulch and on-going maintenance complete the formula for a successful and sustainable landscape. Seek alternatives to synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, as this helps preserve soil structure and microbial diversity. By opting for organic mulches, you can help to minimize water evaporation, reduce weed growth, and moderate soil temperatures. Mulch also adds texture, color, and visual interest. Proper maintenance should include weeding, fertilizing, pruning, and on-going water management.

Transforming  landscape design.

The Terry’s Landscape team has always put an emphasis on smart landscape design to preserve resources, local habitats, and our planet – all while creating a beautiful landscape statement tailored to your unique requirements. Contact Terry’s Landscape today to implement your own beautiful and water-wise landscape!