Design Build

Crafting a Signature Landscape for Your Commercial Property and HOA

2024-04-23T15:51:18-05:00Commercial Maintenance, Design Build, Blog|

Discover how to choose trees and native plants that provide natural beauty, withstand Texas weather, and elevate aesthetics. At Terry's Landscape, we understand the importance of selecting the right plants and trees to withstand Texas' harsh summers while enhancing the aesthetics and functionality of your property. Our focus is on providing low-maintenance landscape options that

7 Questions to Ask A Commercial Landscape Provider Before You Hire

2023-10-19T14:59:44-05:00Commercial Maintenance, Design Build, Blog|

If you are looking to hire a professional landscaping company for your commercial property or HOA landscape needs, it's important to ask the right questions upfront during the interview process to ensure you hire the right team for the job. Here are seven key questions to ask before making a hiring decision: 1. What experience

The benefits of working with a landscape professional.

2023-05-12T15:04:50-05:00Design Build|

  When it comes to designing an outdoor space, working with a true landscape professional can bring a variety of benefits. Collaboration. A landscape professional will consult extensively with you and with other experts to guarantee the perfect customized design. Architects, interior designers and a general contractor can all have valuable input that will help

Paving a Path to Sustainability with Hardscape.

2023-03-09T14:45:50-06:00Design Build, Residential, Outdoor Living, Commercial Maintenance|

Stunning landscapes come in all shapes, sizes and materials. Sometimes we want a large lawn or lush gardens and other times or in other places, we want clean, low maintenance, sustainable simplicity. Hardscape walkways, patios, plazas, walls or other structures provide spectacular beauty that is water wise, functional and low maintenance. Replace that muddy spot

It’s time to lighten up with flexible and beautiful landscape lighting.

2023-03-28T15:00:02-05:00Outdoor Living, Design Build, Lighting|

Dial up the visual drama with the latest landscape lighting options and get more from your landscape investment. Well-designed outdoor lighting allows you to enjoy and extend your landscape’s beauty and functionality well after the sun goes down. It can foster mood and ambiance, provide needed safety, boost curb appeal and incorporate the newest tech

Looking ahead to fall for awesome outdoor living.

2023-03-28T15:06:43-05:00Residential, Outdoor Living, Design Build, Uncategorized|

The heat has been tough this summer, but we all know that one day, fall will come. And with it comes cooler temperatures and more opportunities to enjoy being outside. When the cool weather finally arrives, will your outdoor spaces be ready for awesome outdoor living? Getting your upgrades and outdoor projects planned and started

Envision a spectacular new Outdoor Space with Terry’s Landscape Design Services.

2023-03-28T15:12:05-05:00Residential, Outdoor Living, Design Build|

Do you have clear vision in mind or do you need help seeing the possibilities for your outdoor spaces that are in need of an upgrade? Either way, the Terry’s landscape design experts can help to take the mystery out of a beautiful new design. We can render your vision, or a variety of possibilities,

Connecting Inside to Outside – pulling it together with hardscape.

2023-03-28T15:15:48-05:00Design Build, Uncategorized, Outdoor Living, Commercial Maintenance|

Everyone enjoys a stunning landscape that invites visitors outside, but sometimes we forget about the paths we take to get there. Hardscapes are the walkways that connect our workplaces, homes and and any interior spaces to nature - the plazas you step outside upon, the garden walls,  driveways and walkways. As we head towards winter,

Creating your perfect outdoor paradise requires choosing the right elements.

2023-03-29T16:39:33-05:00Residential, Outdoor Living, Design Build|

What does your perfect outdoor paradise look like? Chances are it’s much different than mine, or your neighbors or friends. You have a style and a lifestyle that’s all your own. The way you entertain friends, your family’s favorite outdoor activities or how you unwind will all be uniquely yours. So, when it comes to

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