
Water Saving Solutions: The Role of “Smart” Irrigation Technology

2024-07-18T14:52:02-05:00Residential, Commercial Maintenance, irrigation|

The latest Smart irrigation technology is designed to save water, keep your plants healthy and add a level of convenience and sustainability to your system. The various components that make up smart irrigation tech generally fall into the categories of smart controllers, high efficiency sprinkler heads, drip systems and the apps that control them. Depending

Terry’s Landscape Predictive Irrigation Technology


Property Manager’s Guide to Maintaining Beautiful Landscapes While Reducing Water Bills With scorching heat and lack of rain during the Texas summer months, it can be challenging to keep your commercial property or HOA community looking its best. However, with the right strategies and maintenance practices in place, it is possible to maintain a beautiful

 Keep your landscape healthy and thriving with proper irrigation and drainage.

2023-03-28T15:08:31-05:00Uncategorized, News, irrigation|

Imagine having invested thousands of dollars in a beautiful new landscape design and installation, only to watch your newly planted trees, shrubs and flowers start to dwindle and die after a few short months. Unfortunately, too often poor water management practices result in damage and the need for replacement or repair of landscape materials and

Careful fall and winter maintenance brings beautiful spring growth.

2023-03-29T16:38:21-05:00Residential, Commercial Maintenance|

Careful maintenance for your landscape in the fall will keep it safe in the winter so that it can flourish again in the spring. Proper care goes a long way in protecting your investment and seeing long-term growth as the years go by. Consulting experts about your specific landscape needs can make sure your bases

July is Smart Irrigation Month. Is your system Smart?

2023-03-29T16:41:05-05:00Uncategorized, Residential, Commercial Maintenance, Design Build, irrigation|

Smart irrigation technology is all about saving water. Is your irrigation system a smart, water-conserving system or could it use some updating? At Terry’s Landscape, we believe in being efficient with our resources, and in honor of Smart Irrigation Month, we encourage inspecting and updating any outdated or inefficient irrigation systems. You’ll enjoy more convenience,

What to do now to prepare landscapes for cool weather and spring growth.

2021-03-10T10:52:58-06:00Residential, Commercial Maintenance, Uncategorized|

Knowledgeable property care for your landscape now will help protect from fall and winter cold snaps and prepare landscapes for beautiful growth in the spring. Mulching, fertilizing your turf, and pruning will keep plants and trees happy and healthy as the weather cools off. Benefits of Mulch Putting down mulch in the fall protects plants

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